Text of KQED Public Radio Interview
with Dennis Goldwater
Airing January 28, 2013

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Peter Jon Shuler, a reporter for KQED Public Radio News, interviewed Dennis Goldwater and others. His piece was aired on January 28, 2013. Due to the small nature of the piece, there is no web site page that contains the recording or a script of the contents. KQED was kind enough to send a copy of the script. The contents are below:

Some Mountian View residents say PG&E is threatening to sue if they don't remove trees growing above an old gas pipeline.
K-Q-E-D's Peter Jon Shuler reports, the residents accuse the utility of bullying them, rather than move the pipeline elsewhere.

A letter sent in December to more than a dozen homeowners warned that their cases would be turned over to P-G-and-E's legal department unless they cooperate with plans to clear away trees and structures over the pipeline. PG&E is slowly rolling out efforts to clear and maintain long neglected pipeline easements. But Dennis Goldwater says it's just an excuse to keep from moving a nearly 70 year old line buried long before the neighborhood was built.

PG&E v Trees/Goldwater: All they talk about on TV is safety, safety, safety, but they don't say "safety as long as it doesn't cost them any money."

Goldwater and some of his neighbors say they never even knew they had a transmission line running through their back yards. And they're upset with the potential loss of the shade and privacy the trees and foliage provide. PG&E Spokewoman Brittany Chord says while trees are beautiful to look at, their root structure can compromise the integrity of the pipeline.

PG&E v Trees/Chord: While we completely understand the frustration that our customers are feeling in this area, what we are trying to do and what we are committed to do is making our pipeline system safer for our customers throughout our service area.

Goldwater says the utility has conducted a program of intimidation to get residents to comply - culminating in the threat of legal action. But Chord says taking legal action is the last thing the company wants to do. And she says PG&E will continue to work with customers to strike a balance between their needs and the need to maintain the system.

I'm Peter Jon Shuler, KQED News.